Maychai Brown

The ongoing work of the BCAM office was threatened recently by the premature crash of the Executive Administrator’s thirteen-month-old computer. The defunct laptopcomputer affected two other office workers whose computers were networked with it. Near disaster was avoided when Board member Terrye Perlman and her husband Irv offered to replace the alpha computer. Thanks to the generosity of the Perlmans, a new Hewlett Packard is up and running and the network is functioning smoothly.

As a post script to the announcement of the Perlman gift, we wonder if one of our readers might be in a position to make a donation to cover the purchase of a new laptop. The one-and-only BCAM laptop is used by the office intern for various work needs.

But the increasing demand from the community for our PowerPoint presentations means the computer often must be out of the office. One laptop cannot be in two places at the same time!

A $1,000 donation would enable us to purchase the equipment we need. If you can help, please call Janice Melanson at 514 483-1846.