Viorica Lorcencova, Administrator

Viorica has been BCAQ’s Administrator since 2011. Having arrived from Eastern Europe with little experience in the nonprofit sector she has adapted quickly and become an essential member of the team. She takes care of the administrative side of BCAQ, is in touch with our members and donors. Vio is also involved in communications, website and everything that has to do with financial reporting.  

Jennifer Beeman, Program and Advocacy Coordinator

Jennifer Beeman provides strong leadership in advocacy and program development for the ACSQ team. Jennifer Beeman was Executive Director of Breast Cancer Action Quebec between 2014 and 2023. She has been central to developing BCAQ’s work on CEPA reform, in addition to educating and mobilization women’s groups and health groups across Quebec on toxics, women’s health and CEPA. She has developed many other dossiers at BCAQ including the youth environmental health program, breast cancer and racialized women educational program, the new “Cost of Illness” website and much else. Prior to coming to BCAQ, she worked for 10 years with an advocacy group for nonunionized women workers. She has an MA in sociology from Université du Québec à Montréal and has worked or been an activist in the Quebec women’s movement her entire adult life. 

Naoual Laaroussi, Communications and Development Manager

A graduate in Communication, writing and multimedia at the University of Sherbrooke since 2012 and a professional in the field, Naoual Laaroussi has more than ten years of relevant experience under her belt. She had the opportunity through multiple contracts to work in particular within ministries, municipalities and non-profit associations. Her life experience and her migratory journey make her passionate about social justice and wants to break down barriers for the most marginalized people, in order to implement systemic changes!

It is with great pride that she joins the BCAQ team in 2023 with the desire to communicate about environmental health through an intersectional feminist lens.