October 2017
Breast Cancer Action Quebec and Breast
Cancer Awareness Month
This October, we are excited to be participating in a special 4 part series, called Invisible Toxicants, about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) offered at UPop, the progressive non-profit which offers free courses that foster critical thinking leading to citizen action. Breast Cancer Action Quebec is involved in two of the four courses:
Tuesday, October 10 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: EDCs: Chemical substances that hijack and deregulate the hormonal systems of living beings... and not without consequences
Lise Parent, Professor of Biology, Université TELUQ, Vice-President, Breast Cancer Action Quebec
Tuesday, October 17 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: EDCs: Omnipresent in Daily Life: how to identify them and how to replace them
Nancy Guberman and Gabrielle Caron, Breast Cancer Action Quebec
Tuesday, October 24 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: The Male Reproductive System: Under Attack
Bernard Robaire, professor McGill University
Tuesday, November 7 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm:
What is the current situation regarding the regulation here and abroad? Potential solutions to cope.
Louise Hénault-Éthier, David Suzuki Foundation
The courses are free and offered in French. They will be held at the bar, Station Ho.st situated at 1494 Ontario Street, close to Papineau.
November 22, 2017
It’s a Question of their Lives: Activism and Environmental Conflicts
Environmental Justice Panel organized by Breast Cancer Action Quebec and moderated by Françoise David
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Maison du développement durable
50 Sainte-Catherine W., room Ste. Catherine, Montreal
Environmental justice activists are on the avant-garde of the environmental movement.
By integrating a social justice analysis of the social and health impacts on marginalized and racialized populations experiencing toxic environmental hazards, these activists reframe and advance their fights while galvanizing their bases. Save the date and be part of a fascinating discussion among environmental justice activists.
Gina Thésée, professor at UQAM, specialising in environmental education, democracy and social justice
Suzie O’Bomsawin, director of the Ndakinna Office of the Grand Conseil de la Nation Waban-Aki
Jennifer Beeman, director of Breast Cancer Action Quebec
The event is free and simultaneous translation will be provided. Stay tuned for further details.
For inquiries call us at 514-483-1846 or email at info@acsqc.ca